Customer Care Providers - Saskatchewan

You may never have a reason to call us. But if you do, we’ll treat you to customer care as exceptional as our products.  For us, the sale is just the beginning of your customer experience. Whether you need assistance with the use, care or service of your appliances, our Customer Care team is here to ensure that your products always function at the highest level.


Bradlee Distributors has a network of certified service providers throughout the Pacific Northwest, Alaska and Western Canada. In order to provide you with the best service possible, please contact one of our Bradlee Customer Service Representatives.

Customer Care Providers




Baywest Appliance Service
738 1st Ave North
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7K 1Y1

(306) 384-7722

Shaughnessy Appliance Service Ltd.
311 Jessop Avenue
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7N 1Y5


1809 Park Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4N 2G4


Troy's Appliance Service
2938 Inglis Bay
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4N 6W5
